The Leader in Me -- Habits at Home

This school year students at Woodland Hills have been learning the language and meaning of the 7 Habits. Parents and family members can offer support by using the 7 Habits language at home. By using the same language, you reinforce the idea that we are all on the same team. When parents and schools support one another, there’s no limit to what we can achieve!

We are pleased to share the Habits at Home Newsletter with you. The newsletter provides habit overviews, activity suggestions, and dinner time question starters.

#1 - Be Proactive (You're in charge of yourself)

#2 - Begin With The End In Mind (Have a plan)

#3 - Put First Things First (Work first, then play)

#4 - Think Win Win (Everybody can win)

#5 - Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood (Listen before you speak)

#6 - Synergize (Working together is better)

#7 - Sharpen The Saw ( Balance is Best)